Sampuraga is a legend in mandailing Madina Indonesia. (Sampuraga adalah sebuah legenda di Mandailing Madina Indonesia (Simple Present Tense)
Long time a go, there was a boy who lived in mandailing In siladang village. (Dahulu kala, ada seorang anak yang tinggal di Mandailing di desa Siladang (Simple Past Tense)
He was an orphan. (Dia seorang anak yatim (Simple Past Tense)
And when he was 10 years old, he left his village. (Ketika berumur 10 tahun, dia meninggalkan desanya (Simple Past Tense) dan (Sime Past Tense)
His mother gave him some ingredient. (Ibunya memberinya perbekalan (Simple Past Tense)
He went to Sabjior. (Dia pergi ke Saba Jior (Simple Past Tense)
For years he lived there. (Untuk beberapa tahun dia tinggal di sana (Simple Past Tense)
When he was adult, and possible for him to get marry, a daughter of the king in Sabajior wanted to marry him. (Ketika dia dewasa, dan memungkinkan untuknya menikah, seorang putri raja di Sabajior ingin menikahinya (Simple Past Tense) dan (Simple Past Tense)
And he was agree.(Dan dia menyetujuinya) (Simple Past Tense)
When the wedding party had finished, automatically he became a king (Ketika pesta pernikahan telah selesai, tentu saja dia langsung menjadi raja) (Past Perfect Tense dan (Simple Past Tense)
In a year, The news that he had been becoming a king has heard by his mother and all of people in his village, Siladang. (Dalam satu tahun, kabar tentang dirinya telah mejadi raja telah terdengar oleh ibu dan seluruh penduduk di kampungnya Siladang ) (Past Present Cotinuous Tense)
Every body felt surprise to hear it. (Setiap orang terkejut mendengarnya (Simple Past Tense)
Because his mother was an old woman and she was very poor. (Karena ibunya adalah seorang peremuan tua dan lagi miskin ()Simple Past Tense)
She really hoped her son. (Dia benar-benar sangat mengharapkan anaknya) (Simple Past Tense)
She just had Sampuraga as her child. (Dia hanya punya Sampuraga dalam hidunya ) (Past Perfect Tense)
She wanted to follow him. (Dia ingin mengikutinya) (Simple Past Tense)
With very difficult to walk, hard to go through the forest between Siladang and Sirambas, the village or the king (Dengan sangat susah untuk berjalan, susah pergi menembus hutan antara Siladang dan Sirambas, kampung dari raja (Simple Present Tense)
And at the end, she arrived to Sirambas (pada akhirnya dia tiba juga di Sirambas) (Simple Past Tense)
When mother of Sampuraga was in that village, Sampuraga was making a party. (Ketika ibunya sampai ke desa itu, Sampuraga kebetulan sedang membuat pesta) (Simple Past Tense) dan (Past Continuous Tense)
Many people were working to cook the food and cook the flesh, and many kind of foods. (Para penduduk sedang memasak makanan, daging dan banyak jenis makanan lainnya) (Past Continuous Tense)
And because Sampuraga's mother was very hungry. (Dan karena ibu Sampuraga merasa sangat lapar) (Simple Past Tense)
She asked some food for eat. (Dia meminta sedikit makanan untuk dimakan) (Simple Past Tense)
The workers wanted to give it. (Para pekerja ingin memberikannya (Simple Past Tense)
But when Sampuraga looked the old woman. (Tapi ketika Sampuraga melihat perempuan tua ini) (Simple Past Tense)
He stood up. (Dia berdiri) (Simple Past Tense)
And he withdrew her. (Dan dia mengusirnya) (Simple Past Tense)
Forbode his slaves to give anything to the woman.(Melarang budaknya untuk memberikan sesuatu pada perempauan tua itu) (Simple Past Tense)
He did, as he didn't know her. (Dia berbuat seolah-olah dia tidak mengenalnya) (Simple Past Tense)
In fact, he knew that she was his mother. (Padahal dia tahu bahwa itu ibunya) (Simple Past Tense)
In fact he did that way because he felt ashamed to realize that she was his mother (Padahal dia melakukan itu karena dia malu mengakui peremuan itu sebagai ibunya) (Simple Past Tense)
A woman cried and asked, “why don't you know me, my son? I am your mother, babe” . (Perempuan itu menangis dan bertanya, Mengapa kamu tidak mengenal saya Saya ibumu,anakku) (Simple Past Tense)
”I don't know you. Don't make fun of me”. Answered Sampuraga. (Saya tidak mengenalmu. Jangan memerolokolokkan saya. Jawab Sampuraga) (Simple Past Tense)
“I have something to prove that you are my son'. Said by the woman (Saya punya sesuatu untuk membuktikan bahwa kamu adalah anakku, kata perempuan itu) (Simple Past Tense)
'what is it, an old woman?' asked Sampuraga angrily. (Apa itu perempuan tua? Tanya Sampuraga dengan marah) (Simple Past Tense)
'There is a trace on your neck'. (Ada bekas di punggungmu) (Simple Present Tense)
But what for? Sampuraga would not open his shirt. (Tapi untuk apa? Sampuraga tak kan mau membuka bajunya) (Past Future Tense)
Even he became angrily with that woman. (Bahkan ia menjadi lebih marah pada perempuan itu) (Simple Past Tense)
His wife adviced him, so that he realize everything. (Istrinya menasehatinya agar ia menyadarinya) (Simple Past Tense)
But he did not realize, it made him could not bottle up his angrily. (Tapi dia tidak menyadari, itu membuatnya tidak bisa menahan amarah) (Simple Past Tense)
He kicked that old woman. (Dia menyepak perempuan tua itu) (Simple Past Tense)
He slap his own mother. (Dia menampar perempuan tua itu) (Simple Past Tense)
The woman prayed to god so that god punished Sampuraga. (Perempuan itu lalu berdo’a pada Tuhan agar Tuhan menghukum Sampuraga) (Simple Past Tense)
Suddenly the thunder fight him. (Tiba-tiba halilintar menyambarnya) (Simple Past Tense)
The flood was coming. (Banjir datang) (Past Contiuous Tense)
The village and palace of kingdom was almost broken. (Kampung dan tempat kerajaan akan rusak)(Simple Past Tense)
Almost all the people were died. (Hampir seluruh penduduk meninggal dunia) (Simple Past Tense)
Including Sampuraga, his wife, his mother, and many slaves. (Termasuk Sampuraga, istrinya, ibunya dan banyak budak kerajaan) the continue of (Simple Past Tense)
God was approving her praying. (Tuhan sedangmengabulkab do’anya) (Past Contiunuous Tense)
Something roof has been remaining until now but just some tools of party (Sesuatu masih tersisa sampai sekarang, tapi hanya berupa alat-alat untuk pesta) (Past Perfect Continuous Tense)
Such as a pan, big spoon, and t trace of hole. (Seperti kuali, sendok besar, bekas lubang) The continue of (Past Perfect Continuous Tense)
Many people said that the flood came from the hole. (Banyak penduduk mengatakan bahwa banjir datang dari lobang itu) (Simple Past Tense)
Until now, the hole is being hot. (Sampai sekarang lubang itu masih panas) (Past Perfect Continuous Tense)
When ever somebody calls Sampuraga around that lace, the water will be angry (Kapan saja seseorang memanggil nama Sampuraga di sekitar tempat itu, airnya akan marah) (Simple Present Tense) dan (Simle Future Tense)
Water in the hole will jump and spread. (Air di dalam lobang akan melompat dan menyiram) (Simple Future Tense)
Water will be very hot (Air akan menjadi sangat panas) (Simple Future Tense)
And now, the location of Sampuraga has been becoming a tourism place. (Dan sekarang, lokasi Sampuraga telah menjadi tempat wisata) (Past Perect Continuous Tense)
Many people visit this area. (Banya penduduk mengunjungi daerah ini) (Simple Present Tense)
It is in west Panyabungan. (Daerah ini berada di Panyabungan Barat) (Simple Present Tense)
About 10 kms from Panyabungan town. Kabupaten andailing natal North Sumatra (Sekitar 10Km dari kota Panyabugan Mandailing Natal Sumatera Utara) (Simple Present Tense)
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